
Determine if Online Movie Rental is Right For You

  How do you decide whether or not online movie rental is right for you? Every time I log onto my computer, in every delivery of mail I get, and at nearly every commercial television break I see something about online movie rental. It seems like a good idea, but it is hard to know if it is right for me, or even to know how it works. There are basically two types of online movie rentals. One kind offers you the chance to do your rental selecting online, but you have to eventually go to the store and pick up your rental movie. On the other hand, there are the online movie rentals that have you choose your movie and rent it online, then it is mailed to you. There are advantages and disadvantages with both. There are movie stores that are now offering online movie rental where you come into the store to pick up the movie. Their inventory is electronically linked to their website. You simply log on and browse for the movie you want. Once you find what you want and see that the store has it